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Showing posts from February, 2018

Research Questions

1. Do you witness bullying on social media? Person 1- No Person 2-No Person 3- Yes, on twitter. 2. Do you think social media is to blame for cyber bullying? If not, who do you believe is to blame? Person 1- No, people are. If people do not bully online they will in person. Person 2- No, people are. Social media makes it easier, but does not cause it. Person 3- No, people cyber bully not social media. 3. Do you like the updates on iphones/tablets/social media? Person 1- No Person 2- No Person 3- No, just when I get used to something, it changes After asking my research questions to three individuals, I realized all three people agreed on the questions except for one. I first asked three people if they witnessed bullying on social media. Person 1 & 2 both said no, but person 3 said yes. Person three says she witnesses a lot of cyberbullying on twitter. She explained if people don’t agree with a tweet, it often leads...

Unit 1 Assignment

Source #1- “ Technology and Society” “Technology and Society-Impact of Technology on Society” by Karehka Ramey, focuses on the positive and negative effects of technology within today’s society. Karehka says, “ Technology by its-self is not harmful to the society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society.” This perspective resonated with me, as the pros and cons of technology is often debated among various generations. Some say they can’t live without it, and some say they wish it didn’t exist. I believe, as does Karehka, that technology is not the problem until it is abused by people. While the term technology is too vast a topic to analyze every component, my point can be made when focusing on cell phone use as a form of technology.  While most people would agree that cell phones have become a necessity in 2...


Reflecting on Assignment #1 has opened my eyes to not only the positives of technology, but the negatives as well. Many of my sources focus on the negative effects of technology such as cyber bullying, less face-to-face communication, and the lack of thinking that comes with technology. In my first article, “Technology and Society” by Karehka, she says, “Technology by itself is not harmful to the society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society.” This quote stood out to me because it is like anything else in life, nothing is truly bad unless someone makes it bad. Technology can be extremely beneficial to society, but the way society uses technology is what can make it negative. For example, cyber bullying comes from technology, which is a negative effect, but it is not technologies fault people cyberbully. The only thing technology does to contribute to cyberbullying  is it gives the people...

Free Writes Unit 1

This free write was my favorite because it allowed me to stop throughout the day to think about what  I am doing. It is so easy to go throughout your day just by routine and not stop and think. I realized I have a set schedule every day and complete specific tasks throughout. 

Unit 1 Assignment Draft

Source #1- “Technology and Society”   “Technology and Society-Impact of Technology on Society” by Karehka Ramey, focuses on the positive and negative effects of technology within today’s society. Karehka says, “Technology by its-self is not harmful to the society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society.” This perspective resonated with me, as the pros and cons of technology is often debated among various generations. Some say they can’t live without it, and some say they wish it didn’t exist. I believe, as does Karehka, that technology is not the problem until it is abused by people. While the term technology is too vast a topic to analyze every component, my point can be made when focusing on cell phone use as a form of technology.   While most people would agree that cell phones have become a necessit...