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Unit 1 Assignment

Source #1- “Technology and Society”

“Technology and Society-Impact of Technology on Society” by Karehka Ramey, focuses on the positive and negative effects of technology within today’s society. Karehka says, “Technology by its-self is not harmful to the society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society.” This perspective resonated with me, as the pros and cons of technology is often debated among various generations. Some say they can’t live without it, and some say they wish it didn’t exist. I believe, as does Karehka, that technology is not the problem until it is abused by people.
While the term technology is too vast a topic to analyze every component, my point can be made when focusing on cell phone use as a form of technology.  While most people would agree that cell phones have become a necessity in 2018, it would be difficult to deny that there are many negative consequences to their use.   Like other forms of technology, cell phone use can be both positive and negative.
Cell phones are used to communicate, to learn, to entertain, and to do business.  They have simplified our lives.  We all depend on cell phones for daily life and needs, however, the way in which we use our phones has also caused harm.  I have to admit, that for my generation, we rely on our cell phones too much.  I know that it is difficult to be fully engaged in an activity or conversation while my cell phone is in hand.  With every notification and alert, my attention is diverted.  Our phones have allowed us to be addicted to the experiences of others.  Whether Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat, we want to see it all and in real time.  This not only causes us to waste time in our days, but has allowed for so many to feel the pressures of keeping up with others.  Cell phone use has caused our roads to be increasingly dangerous as well.  Although the message is spreading, and laws have been enacted, people continue to text and drive.  Again, this is not the cell phone’s fault, but it is how we use it.  The technology of cellular communication has simplified and bettered our lives, however, we all must keep in mind that proper use is vital for ensuring that its pros outweigh its cons.

Source 2- “Apple is already planning to kill the iPhone X”
Technology companies are always in competition with each other, seeing who can come out with the newest, coolest, and most high tech product. Competition is so high that companies tend to release products before making sure they are perfect. The article written by by the New York Post says that apple plans to discontinue their newest iPhone, the iPhone X. Apple recently released the iPhone X about a month ago and only about a month later, they are planning to discontinue it to the mass amount of problems this phone has. The article by the New York Post says, “Apple has plans to discontinue the current iPhone X model once the company introduces its 2018 iPhone lineup later this fall.” It is interesting to me to read that Apple is waiting to discontinue the phone until they come out with new ones. It makes me wonder if the news ones will have the same problems as the old.

Source 3-Cyber bullying video

This video allows viewers to see how severe cyber bullying is and how even though you’re behind a computer screen, it still affects the individual being bullied just as much as if they were being bullied in person. Due to social media being so popular, and it being so easy to make an anonymous username, it seems to be cyber bullying has become the #1 source of bullying in the US. People who choose to cyberbully realize it is much easier to hide behind a computer screen then to confront someone to their face about an issue. Before social media, cyberbullying was extremely minimal, but now I witness it almost every day. Even if cyber bullying is not directed towards a specific individual, I witness people making rude comments online on HQ Trivia, as a twitter response, or even as a comment on social media. Most people do not realize that cyber bullying does not have to be directed towards a specific person, but if you post your beliefs on the internet that is meant to hurt someone else, it is cyber bullying.

Source #4- “Pencils to Pixels”
This article caught my attention in the beginning when it referred to a pencil as technology. When I look at technology I think of computers, phones, tablets, etc. The second part of the article that stood out to me said, “Ten years ago math teachers worried that if students were allowed to use calculators, they wouldn’t learn their arithmetic tables...When we began to use computers in university writing classes, instructors didn’t tell students about the spell-check programs on their word processors, fearing the students would forget how to spell” (Dennis Baron). This stood out to me because while calculators and work processors take the place of your brain thinking, they are real life tools that are useful and since we have them, should be used.
