Every individual handles change differently. Regardless of whether or not the change is a major change, or minor, some will embrace it while others struggle. Reactions to change effect how individuals cope in everyday life. I have found that those with a “go with the flow” outlook, tend to adapt to new situations better than others. When it comes to technology, change is inevitable and unavoidable. While many of these changes serve to better our lives, I have found that most individuals are hesitant to embrace technological changes right away. Depending on how it is viewed, the new iphone update may be considered either major or minor. However, it is clear that opinions on this change are strong either way. Cellular phones are a huge part of our lives, and these updates do affect us in one way or another.
For my Unit 2 Project I decided to take a survey asking college students if they approved, or disapproved of the new iphone update. While younger generations seem to adapt to technological change better than older, I found that an overwhelming 96% of those (48/50) asked, did not approve of the updates for three main reasons. The first reason many did not like the new update was simply that they found it confusing. Tasks that were once quick and simple, now seemed to be a challenge. The second reason it was disliked was they viewed the prior methods as “better”. These individuals had the general feeling that if something is not broken, why fix it? The third category for those who disapproved were the individuals that admitted to not liking change of any kind. Once they are comfortable, the idea of change is unsettling.
Every time changes occur, it can be hard to adjust. When it comes to the iPhone update, most feel there is no need for change and having to adjust because having a phone should be one of the simple things in life that you should not have to stress over adjusting to. Trying to figure out how to use your phone after an update can be very confusing, especially for those who are not technologically savvy. Waking up to a new phone set up seemed to be anxiety producing for most surveyed. Skepticism over technological change is also based on history. There are often “issues” that have come up with new updates, including the slowing down of app speeds, and the overall function of the phone. Those who are not comfortable with change will focus on these past complications, and feel even more wary of future changes.
The iPhone does have a setting to turn off automatic updates. Of the 50 students who participated in the survey, 100% of the individuals were aware of this feature, and used this feature. Unfortunately, after a few weeks of not installing a new update on your own, the iPhone will complete the update automatically. Apple does not allow its users to stay technologically “stuck”. If they believe that a new update is necessary, than the choice is out of the users hands.
As previously stated, many people find it difficult to handle change of any kind. While my survey focused on fear of change related to the technology of the iPhone, I believe that this uneasiness can be applied to other areas of their lives. I decided to conclude my survey with additional questions that were not specific to the iPhone update. Those surveyed received three follow up questions. They were asked to rate their level of uneasiness when it came to three different situations. The first question asked how well they felt they adjusted to college during their first semester. The second question asked how comfortable they would be with a professor change mid-semester. The third inquired how they would feel if told they had to switch roommates for one week. These questions were not open ended, but rather done on a continuum where those surveyed rated their level of anxiety on a scale from 1-10.
The correlations were as expected. Those with the strongest opposition to the iphone update, also had the strongest levels of anxiety for the three situations presented. Furthermore, the 4% of individuals who were in favor of the technological updates, had the lowest levels of anxiety for the three situations. The correlations that were expected, were confirmed. Once my survey had been completed, I did an online search to see if other studies found similar correlations. I found an article that took a similar survey, and found that 44% of those who did not update their phones said their reasoning was due to the fact that their original phone “worked just fine”(9to5mac.com). It was interesting to see that a different population of people felt similar to the people I surveyed. It appears that it is more comfortable for many to stick with something that is working, even if there is the possibility of advancement. It is the unknown that causes skepticism and resistance, and the known that brings on feelings of familiarity and comfort.
According to the article “10 Reasons People Resist Change” on the Harvard Business Review, there are many reasons why people resist change. These reasons apply to every aspect of life, including technology. The first common reason that Rosabeth Moss Kanter says is that individuals do not like to feel a loss of control. With regard to the cell phone, it is believed that the phone becomes our territory, and it is unsettling that it is controlled by someone else. Another reason is that people do not like uncertainty or the unknown. It is not comfortable to lose a sense of safety in what is familiar. Changes that are imposed suddenly, with no time to get used to, will be resisted. It is better to approach changes gradually, step by step. In addition, it should be recognized that routines are comfortable and too many differences can be distracting and confusing. Change for the sake of change should be avoided. A main reason why an individual may not like technological change is that they have concerns over their competence. Nobody wants to feel stupid! Maybe a solution could be to run two systems at the same time in order to ease into the transition. Change often means more work which is another obstacle. People generally like things to remain in a steady state. It is difficult to forget when changes of the past have caused disruptions. Especially with cell phone usage, we are all wary of when change are implemented, as there have been clear problems in the past. Although it is impossible to make everyone feel comfortable with change, it is important to minimize the anxiety. There are ways to implement technological change where resistance can be less overwhelming (Rosabeth Moss Kanter).
Anytime a person is out of their comfort zone, they will feel anxious. As the saying goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” However, just because anxiety is present, it does not mean that something bad is going to happen. While it is most comforting to stay in what is familiar, change can often bring about progress. A new update for a phone may seem trivial, but it does represent that unsettling feeling that one may get when forced to learn something new. Just like a move, new job, new relationship or any new experience may be scary, it is also what moves us forward. It is safe to say that all those that participated in my study would never give up their iphones, even with a new update!
Works Cited
Miller, et al. “New Survey Shows the Top Reasons People Didn't Upgrade to the IPhone 8 or IPhone X.” 9to5Mac, 6 Mar. 2018, 9to5mac.com/2018/03/05/didnt-upgrade-to-the-iphone-x/.
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. “Ten Reasons People Resist Change.” Harvard Business Review, 7 Aug. 2014, hbr.org/2012/09/ten-reasons-people-resist-chang.
Phillips, Fred. “Technological Forecasting and Social Change.” Journal - Elsevier, www.journals.elsevier.com/technological-forecasting-and-social-change/.
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